
Community Guidelines

Last updated: October 2022


The TellnShare is a platform that provides space and value to the ideas of the people. The goal of TellnShare is to encourage people to share their genuine thoughts with the world and allow them to build a community. We are creating a worldwide community where individuals may create and share ideas, educate themselves from others’ suggestions, and build up meaningful discussions with people from all over the world. We are dedicated to maintaining a friendly place for our community as we expand. In order to create a friendly and safe environment for everyone, our Community Guidelines outline a set of standards and a shared code of conduct for TellnShare.

Safety, diversity, and authenticity are our top priorities at TellnShare. We encourage creators to express their uniqueness and viewers to interact with the ideas that inspire them, as we think that everyone can express themselves more freely in a secure atmosphere. We place significant importance on the international aspect of our community and strive to respect the diversity of cultural norms in the communities in which we operate. By only allowing authentic content on TellnShare, we also aim to foster a culture where real conversations can take place.

Everyone and everything on TellnShare is bound by our Community Guidelines. Before content is reported to us, we proactively enforce these rules using a combination of technology and human moderation. We also encourage members of our community to report any content they think violates our Community Guidelines by using the tools we offer on TellnShare.

Any anything that violates our Community Guidelines, including video, audio, live streams, photographs, comments, and text, will be removed. People are informed about our choices and have the right to appeal if they think there hasn’t been a violation. Accounts and/or devices implicated in serious or persistent violations will be suspended or banned; when making these decisions, we will take offline and on-platform data into account. We shall notify the appropriate legal authorities of the accounts as required.

We created our algorithms with security and reliability in mind. We may limit findability for some types of content, such as spam, videos that are being reviewed, or videos that might be considered offensive or contain material that might be disturbing to a wide audience.

We acknowledge that some material that would typically be removed in accordance with our Community Guidelines may really be of public interest. As a result, under specific conditions, we might permit exceptions for content that is newsworthy, in the public interest, academic, documentary, experimental, artistic, humorous, based on a fictional world, counter speech, or otherwise allows for individual expression on issues of social significance.

In order to maintain TellnShare as a secure environment for creativity and happiness, we periodically update our Community Guidelines in conjunction with the appropriate stakeholders.

Violent extremism

We strongly oppose supporting violence on or off TellnShare. We forbid users from threatening or inciting violence, or from endorsing harmful people or groups, on our platform. We reserve the right to suspend or prohibit an account if there is a danger to the safety of the community or if it is used to encourage or celebrate off-platform violence. Threats will be reported when necessary to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. In order to efficiently identify violent and extremist persons and organizations on our platform, we may take into account information that is available on other platforms and offline. If we come across such people or businesses on TellnShare, we’ll close their accounts.

Threats and incitement to violence

Inciting violence is defined as calling for, ordering, or motivating others to use violence. Threats of violence or calls for violence that could seriously damage someone are not permitted on our platform.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Declarations of intent to harm someone physically, either individually or collectively.
  • The use of language or images to justify or incite acts of physical violence.
  • Comments that are either conditional or aspirational incite violence.
  • Calls for people to bring firearms to a place with the intention of intimidating or threatening someone with violence.
  • Instructions for creating or using weapons with the purpose to cause violence.

Dangerous individuals and organizations

We do not permit people or groups who support or participate in violence on our platform. We eliminate such people and groups, such as mass murderers, serial killers, rapists, hate groups, criminal gangs, terrorist groups, and other armed non-state organizations that attack civilians.

Terrorist organizations

Terrorists and terrorist organizations are non-state actors who use or threaten to use violence against civilian populations in order to further political, religious, ethnic, or ideological goals. They may also conduct major crimes (including crimes against humanity).

Organized hate

Attacks on people based on protected qualities such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, or immigration status, are referred to as organized hate.  Attacks are anything that stirs up violence or hatred, dehumanizes people or groups, or supports hateful ideologies.

Criminal organizations

Criminal organizations are multinational, nationwide, or local groups that have committed serious crimes, such as violent crimes (such as murder, rape, robbery, and assault), smuggling in people or items (such as drugs, weapons, and human organs), kidnapping, and financial crimes (such as extortion, blackmail, fraud, and money laundering). They can also be involved in cybercrime.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that encourages harmful people and/or organizations or extols their virtues.
  • Content that promotes engaging with harmful organizations or seeks to enlist people in them.
  • Content that contains names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, greetings, gestures, photographs, songs, music, lyrics, or other items meant to symbolize ominous people or groups.

Hateful behavior

TellnShare is a welcoming community with a diversified population that does not tolerate discrimination. Hate speech and other acts are not tolerated, and we take down such content from our platform. Accounts that violate our policies against hate speech or are connected to hate speech are suspended or banned from the TellnShare platform.

Attacks on the basis of protected attributes

According to our definition, hate speech or behavior is any statement that defames, threatens, calls for violence against, or otherwise dehumanizes a person or a group because of one or more of the following protected characteristics:

  • Race 
  • Ethnicity
  • National origin 
  • Religion
  • Caste 
  • Sexual orientation
  • Sex
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Serious disease
  • Disability
  • Immigration status

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • content that is unfavorable to a person or organization, such as:
    • stating that they are ethically, intellectually, or biologically inferior
    • encouraging or supporting violence against them
    • stating they are criminals 
    • referring to them as beings that are not people, such as animals or inanimate objects 
    • encouraging or defending their exclusion, isolation, or discrimination
  • Content that shows harm being done to a person or group because of a protected attribute.


Slurs are described as offensive words used to degrade an ethnicity, race, or any other have been mentioned above. We remove all slurs from our platform to reduce the spread of egregiously offensive phrases, unless they are stolen, utilized in a self-referential way (like in a song), or do not disparage.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that makes use of or contains slurs

Hateful ideology

Ideologies that openly hate people for their protected characteristics are considered to be hateful. We remove anything that supports hateful views because it is incompatible with the welcoming and encouraging community that our platform offers.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that supports any hateful ideology or embraces it in any way.
  • Materials associated with a hateful ideology, include names, emblems, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, salutes, pictures, portraits, songs, music, and lyrics.
  • Content that refutes the existence of well-documented violent acts involving protected groups.
  • Claims that one group is superior to another based on other protected characteristics.
  • Conspiracy theories that support opposing ideologies.

Illegal activities and regulated goods

We make every effort to make sure TellnShare does not support illegal or prohibited activity. We also forbid the depiction, promotion, or facilitation of illegal actions, including human exploitation, as well as the trade, sale, promotion, and use of specific regulated commodities. Even if the activities or items in issue are legal in the jurisdiction in which the content was posted, content may be removed if it refers to things that are restricted or forbidden in most of regions or the world.

Criminal activities

The term “criminal activity” refers to a broad range of unlawful behaviors that are subject to legal penalties, such as assault, theft, people smuggling, and forging. We eliminate content that supports or facilitates illegal activity in order to stop it from becoming accepted, copied, or facilitated.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that promotes or displays violent behavior, such as assaults or kidnapping.
  • Content that endangers others’ safety, such as swatting.
  • Content that shows or encourages human exploitation, such as prostitution, sex trafficking, domestic servitude, bond labor, or people smuggling.
  • Content that shows or urges wildlife poaching or another unlawful wildlife trafficking.
  • Any material that advertises the purchase, sale, exchange, or solicitation of illegally obtained or fake goods.
  • Content that offers guidelines for carrying out unlawful crimes.


We forbid the display, advertising, or exchange of explosive weapons, ammunition, or firearm accessories. Additionally, we forbid manuals for making those weapons. Content that is used on a shooting range, carried by a police officer, in a military parade, or as part of a museum’s collection may be permitted.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content displaying weapons of mass destruction, bullets, or firearms.
  • Content that advertises the purchase, sale, exchange, or solicitation of any firearm, accessory, round, explosive device, or production instructions.

Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco

The portrayal, promotion, or trade of narcotics or other banned substances is not permitted. The platform forbids the sale of alcohol and tobacco items.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that shows or encourages the use of drugs, the consumption of drugs, or the production, use, or trafficking of drugs or other restricted substances.
  • Content that promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other restricted substances for sale, trade, or solicitation (including vaping products).
  • Informational materials about where to purchase illegal or restricted substances.
  • Content that shows or advertises the production of unlawful alcoholic beverages.
  • Content that shows or encourages abusing prescription drugs or offers instructions on how to create your own drugs in order to become drunk.

Frauds and scams

We don’t allow anyone to abuse our platform to take advantage of users’ confidence and cause them harm, either financially or personally. We eliminate anything that involves plans to swindle people or steal assets in order to obtain an ill-gotten financial or personal benefit.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that promotes or shows examples of phishing.
  • Content that illustrates or advertises Ponzi, Multi-level marketing, or pyramid schemes.
  • Content that shows or advertises high-yield investment schemes, fixed odds, or any other sorts of fraud.


Content that could be interpreted as advertising for casinos, sports gambling, or any other type of commercial gambling is not permitted.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Promotional material for gambling establishments, casinos, poker rooms, lotteries, gambling-related software, applications, or other gambling-related services.

Privacy, personal data, and personally identifiable information (PII)

Content that compromises the privacy of personal information or individually identifiable data is not permitted by us (e.g., social security information). We delete from the platform any content that contains personally identifiable information (PII) or depicts personal data.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content containing personally identifying information or personal data (PII)

Violent and graphic content

On the TellnShare platform, creativity is praised but not shock value or violence. We prohibit content from appearing on our platform that is purposefully frightening, gory, sadistic, or brutal, or that encourages, normalizes, or glorifies severe violence or suffering. We prohibit or suspend the account when there is a danger to the public’s safety, and if necessary, we will also notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content of humans that depicts:
    • accidents or deaths that are brutal or graphic
    • damaged, burned, charred, or dismembered human remains
    • gore in which the primary focus is an open wound or damage
    • real physical harm, conflict, or torture
  • Content of animals that depicts:
    • the killing of animals or other forms of non-natural death
    • damaged, burned, charred, or dismembered animal remains
    • gore and cruelty to animals

Suicide, self-harm, and dangerous acts

The health and happiness of the people that make up our community is something we take very seriously. We prohibit the publication of material that glorifies, normalizes, or promotes behaviors that could result in eating disorders, self-harm, or suicide. We also forbid users from disseminating materials that show them engaging in risky actions that could result in fatalities or serious injuries, or inciting others to do the same.

To raise awareness and garner support from the community, we do nonetheless encourage individuals in our neighborhoods to safely share their own experiences with these problems. We also urge people to get in touch with their local emergency services or a suicide prevention hotline right away if they are having suicidal thoughts, know someone else who is, or are coping with self-harm or suicidal ideation. The TellnShare team may also notify nearby emergency services if our assistance would prevent a user from hurting themselves.


We eliminate anything that depicts suicide, suicidal ideation, or material that could promote engaging in other self-destructive behavior. We also remove material that shows suicide attempts or depicts someone who is doing or preparing to act in a way that is likely to end in self-inflicted death. We forbid the publication of any material that encourages, normalizes, or glorifies suicide, offers suicide instructions, or portrays suicide as a noble or heroic act.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that gives suicide instructions.
  • Content that praises, portrays or encourages suicide.
  • Jokes, challenges, pacts, or games involving suicide.

Self-harm and eating disorders

Regardless of the user’s motivation for sharing it, we do not permit material that shows self-harm conduct in order to prevent it from becoming normalized, encouraged, or triggered. We eliminate material that could normalize or encourage behaviors that could result in bodily harm to oneself. Additionally, the platform does not permit content that encourages eating patterns that are likely to have a negative impact on one’s health.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that praises, encourages, normalizes, or shows eating disorders or self-harm.
  • Content that gives directions on how to practice eating disorders or self-harm.
  • Games, challenges, pacts, or hoaxes involving self-harm or eating disorders.
  • Content that praises or normalizes eating disorders or other harmful weight loss practices linked to eating disorders.

Dangerous acts

Risky behaviors are actions carried out in a professional setting or without the required training and safety measures, which have the potential to seriously harm the user or the general public. We forbid any content, including risky challenges or amateur stunts, that represents, encourages, normalizes, or glorifies such activity.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that displays the possibly improper use of hazardous equipment, vehicles, or things.
  • Content that encourages or depicts consuming substances that are dangerous or are not intended for use.
  • Games, challenges, or stunts that could be harmful.

Harassment and bullying

We support an accepting community and unrestricted individual expression. Harassment, bullying, or abuse of community members is not acceptable to us. Abuse-related material and conduct will be deleted from our platform because they might lead to serious psychological suffering.

Abusive behavior

We eliminate all abusive language, including threats and insulting remarks that are meant to make fun of, shame, embarrass, intimidate, or harm a person. The use of TellnShare functionalities is also prohibited. Critical remarks of public persons may be permitted to allow for discourse regarding issues of public interest, but grave abuse of public figures is not permitted.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that marginalizes another person or disparages someone based on their intelligence, attractiveness, character qualities, or cleanliness.
  • Information that promotes organized harassment.
  • Defamatory material about violent crime victims.
  • Content that uses TellnShare interactive tools to insult other people (like duet).
  • Content that shows deliberate harm or intimidation, such as trolling or cyberstalking.
  • Content that threatens an individual or public figure with death, serious illness, or other grave harm.

Sexual harassment

Unwanted or inappropriate sexual activity directed towards another person is known as sexual harassment. Regardless of the user’s intentions, we do not permit content that sexually harasses others through comments or advances because doing so can result in a great deal of distress for the victims.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Material that tries to initiate unwelcome sexual contact
  • Content that suggests having sex with another user orally, by text (including emoticons), or by using any in-app features.
  • Content that criticizes the sexual behavior of another individual.
  • Content that modifies or distorts another person’s image in order to infer or represent sexual suggestiveness or sexual activity.
  • Content that discloses or suggests that another person’s private sexual life is being revealed, such as threats to make digital content, sexual history, or the identities of former participants in sex public.
  • Content that, without the subject’s knowledge or agreement, discloses or portrays as revealing a subject’s sexual orientation.

Threats of hacking, doxing, and blackmail

Hacking or doxing threats made with the intention of intimidating or blackmailing another person can result in severe emotional suffering and other offline harm. Doxxing, according to the definition, is the act of gathering and disseminating personally identifiable information (PII) for nefarious objectives. These online actions are prohibited on our site because we view them as abusive.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that poses a risk of disclosing private information, such as a person’s home address, private email address, private phone number, bank statement, social security number, or passport number.
  • Threats to extract money from someone or hack their account.
  • Content that urges people to hack into or expose another person’s accounts, personal information, or otherwise personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Using someone else’s account, personal information, or other personally identifying data to harass, abuse, or troll them.

Adult nudity and sexual activities

We strive to create a platform that is friendly and secure. Nudity, pornography, and sexually explicit content are not permitted on our site. Additionally, we forbid adult sexual solicitation as well as the sharing of non-consensual personal images and information that support or depict unlawful sexual behavior.

Sexual exploitation

Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, authority, or trust for sexual objectives is referred to as sexual exploitation. This includes making money, gaining favor with others, or advancing one’s own agenda through the sexual exploitation of others. Sexually explicit material is not allowed on our site.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that praises or depicts non-consensual sexual behavior, including rape and sexual assault, or that encourages or promotes it.
  • Content that encourages the sharing of non-consensual intimate photos, including sexual images that are captured, produced or disseminated without consent, or that glorifies doing so.
  • Content that praises, depicts or encourages sexual violence.
  • Content that shows encourages, or celebrates sexual solicitation, such as sex camming, offering or asking for sexual partners, sexual dialogues or visuals, sexual services, or premium sexual content.

Nudity and sexual activity involving adults

Content that overtly displays the breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks as well as actions that replicate, insinuate, or demonstrate sex activities, are considered to be examples of nudity and sexual activity. We forbid depictions of nudity or sexual behavior, including those made using digital tools or with their assistance. We are aware of the material that might be objectionable, culturally insensitive in some places, or unsuitable for users of all ages.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that shows sexual activity, including oral sex, erotic kissing, or penetrative or non-penetrative sex, explicitly or subtly.
  • Content that shows arousal or stimulation of the sexual organs.
  • Material that shows a sexual fetish.
  • Content that shows exposed male or female genitalia, female pubic areas, buttocks, or nipples.
  • Content intended to arouse sexual desire and uses sexually explicit language.

Minor safety

We have a strong commitment to protecting children using our platform. On TellnShare, we do not support behavior that promotes child abuse, harm, endangerment, or exploitation. Any media that shows the exploitation, abuse, or nudity of minors is prohibited on our platform and will be removed as soon as it is discovered. This includes animation and digitally made or altered video. When warranted, we report violative content to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and/or other relevant legal authorities. TellnShare considers a minor any person under the age of 18.

To use TellnShare, users must be at least the age limit as specified in our Terms of Service. We will close accounts belonging to minors as soon as they are discovered. Some of the features on our platform are age-restricted in order to protect the safety of children. Account holders under the age of 16 are not permitted to utilize direct messaging, host a live stream, or have their material be featured in the For You feed. Through our virtual gifting tools, account holders under the age of 18 cannot send or receive presents.

Sexual exploitation of minors 

The term “sexual exploitation of children” refers to any misuse of a position of trust or authority for sexual gain, including making money, gaining favor with others, or engaging in sexual activity for sexual gain. Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is defined as any visual depiction of sexually explicit nudity or conduct, whether captured by predatory adults, peers, or self-generated by minors. Any content or accounts containing sexual contacts and approaches between an adult and a minor, or between minors with a big age gap, will be dealt with by TellnShare.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that encourages users outside of the platform to obtain or distribute CSAM, or that shares, reshares, offers to trade, or sells it.
  • Content that sexually interacts with minors or otherwise sexualizes minors. 
  • Anything that features nudity, sexualizes minors, or glorifies or promotes sexual conduct with minors, as well as content that solicits or glorifies child abuse.
  • Content that praises or portrays pedophilia or the sexual assault of a kid in any way.
  • Content that exploits or re-victimizes young people who have been abused by others, for as by sharing or acting out assaults or confessions.

Grooming behavior

In order to earn the trust of a minor for the goal of future or ongoing sexual contact, sexual abuse, trafficking, or other forms of exploitation, an adult engages in grooming practices. These actions include flattery, requests for communication on or off a platform, information requests, solicitation of content including minor sexual abuse, sexual solicitations or comments, and gift-giving.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Advancements in grooming.
  • Content that illustrates encourages, normalizes, or exalts grooming practices.
  • Content that encourages real-world sex between children who are significantly different in age from each other or with adults.
  • Content that promotes or provides cruelty to children.
  • Any request for sexual intercourse or images of indecent behavior made under blackmail or other coercive pressure.

Nudity and sexual activity involving minors

Content that is openly revealing of the breasts, genitalia, anus, or buttocks, as well as actions that mimic, insinuate or demonstrate sexual acts involving minors, fall under the category of nudity and sexual activity involving minors. Nudity or sexual behavior cannot be depicted, including through digitally produced or altered content.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share: 

  • Content that shows or implies oral sex, penetrative or non-penetrative sex, or intimate kissing is prohibited.
  • Content that shows a minor becoming sexually aroused or stimulated.
  • Content that shows a minor having a sexual fetish.
  • Content that shows bare human genitalia, a young person’s pelvic region, buttocks, or female nipples or areola is prohibited.
  • Content with language that is sexually explicit that shows or describes a minor.
  • Content with sexually explicit song lyrics that features a minor.
  • Consent to performing sexually suggestive dance moves while still a minor, such as twerking, breast shaking, pelvic thrusting, or fondling one’s own or another’s crotch or breasts.
  • Content showing a brief disrobing.
  • Content that shows a child with very little clothing and isn’t appropriate for the surroundings.
  • Using sexualized language, emojis, or other images to hide or indicate a minor’s nudity or sexual behavior.

Harmful activities by minors

The use of legal substances improperly, involvement in illegal activity and involvement in dares, physical challenges, or other activities that endanger children’s safety are all examples of harmful minor activities. Any such content is removed from our platform.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that implies, shows, emulates or encourages a minor’s use or possession of alcohol, cigarettes, or narcotics.
  • Content that instructs young people on where to buy, sell, or exchange alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs.
  • Content that displays or encourages physical risks, dares, or stunts that could be harmful to young people’s health.

Physical and psychological harm to minors

Physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, and psychological disparagement are some of the actions that put minors at risk of suffering physical or psychological harm. Any such content is removed from our platform.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that shows or encourages the physical or psychological mistreatment, neglect, or endangerment of minors.
  • Content that doesn’t include a warning about the risks of reproduction yet shows or supports survivalist techniques.

Crimes against children

Users who have been found responsible for crimes committed against children are not permitted to create accounts on our platform. These crimes include exploitation of minors for prostitution, live online sexual abuse of minors, sexual exploitation of minors in the context of travel and tourism, attempt to obtain or distribute Child Sexual Abuse Material material (CSAM), as well as the creation, possession, or distribution of child sexual abuse material. They also include sexual assault, molestation, murder, physical abuse or neglect, abduction, international parental kidnapping, trafficking, and physical abuse or neglect (CSAM). We disable the account if we find any such users. If a user self-reports that they are a pedophile or a minor sex offender, such information will be considered at face value, and the account may be removed.

Integrity and authenticity

The basis of our community, in our opinion, is trust. Activities that can threaten the reliability of our platform or the sincerity of our users are not permitted. We delete any content or accounts that contain spam, fake engagement, impersonation, abusively false data, or that infringe on anyone’s intellectual property rights.

Spam and fake engagement

Any content or behaviour that aims to artificially boost popularity on the site qualifies as fake engagement. Any efforts to trick the platform in order to boost interaction metrics are forbidden.

Do not:

  • Share tips on how to incorrectly raise the number of views, likes, follows, shares, or comments.
  • Try to sell or buy views, likes, followers, shares, or comments; or do so.
  • Promote services for generating fake traffic.
  • operate several Using fake or fraudulent TellnShare accounts to disseminate commercial spam.


We do not permit accounts that falsely claim to be another individual or organization. In the event that we find evidence of impersonation, we may ask the user to update their profile before suspending or banning their account. We do allow parody, commentary, and fan accounts as long as the user makes it clear in their bio and username that they are not associated with the account’s subject.

Do not: 

  • Pose as someone or something else by deceptively exploiting someone else’s name, biography, or profile picture.


The term “misinformation” refers to information that is false or inaccurate. While we encourage our community to respectfully discuss issues that are important to them, we do not tolerate false information that, regardless of the motivation, hurts people, our community, or the general public.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • False information that fosters prejudice or hatred.
  • False information about emergencies that spreads fear.
  • Medical false information that could be harmful to someone’s physical well-being.
  • Information that misleads people about elections or other civic processes.
  • Conspiratorial material that targets a particular protected group, calls for violence, or disputes the reality of a heinous or sad event.
  • Digital forgeries (Synthetic Media or Manipulated Media) hurt the subject of the film, other people, or society by misleading users by altering the facts of the events.

Do not:

  • To exert influence and change public opinion, engage in organized dishonest behavior (such as the creation of accounts) while deceiving people and our community about the identity, location, or goal of the account.

Intellectual property violations

A legal right known as copyright protects both original works of authorship (such as music and videos) and the unique representation of an idea (such as the particular way a video or piece of music is expressed or generated). However, copyright does not protect underlying concepts or information. A term, symbol, slogan, or design that identifies and differentiates the source of a product or service is known as a trademark. Everyone is encouraged to produce and distribute original content. Our platform forbids the posting of any content that violates another party’s intellectual property rights, and we will take action to remove it if we become aware of it. Under specific conditions, such as the fair use doctrine or other relevant laws, the use of a copyrighted work or a trademark to make reference to, legally remark on, critique, parody, create a fan page for, or evaluate a good or service may not be regarded as a violation of our policy.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that infringes or violates the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of others.

Platform security

Any actions that threaten the security and reliability of the TellnShare service are forbidden by our policies.

  • Do not bypass the security measures blocking access to the TellnShare website, app, or related networks.
  • Do not distribute files that have malicious software or other potentially destructive aspects, such as worms, Trojan horses, or logic bombs.
  • Do not attempt to recreate any source code, algorithms, processes, or techniques embodied in TellnShare. Also, do not change, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or create any derivative products based on TellnShare, including any files, tables, or documentation.
  • Avoid using scripts that are automated to gather information from TellnShare.

We appreciate your support in helping us maintain a supportive atmosphere for all users and your participation in our thriving worldwide community. Please notify us if you come across any content or accounts that you think might be in violation of our Community Guidelines so that we can investigate and take the necessary action.